Other subjects
No one can do sports all day, so we also offer a wide range of other subjects.
International class
This is the only class for internationals alone.
Here we talk about the special things, for internationals.
We also learn about Danish culture, Danish history and the Danish society.
We wonder about how and why the Danish students do and think like they do.
100% VI
The only requirement in 100% VI is, that all the students are doing something together. It may be ballgames, prepare Lancier for a party, Rough’n tough-workout, Ultimate and much more.
It is the students who are responsible for the class, the organization and the practical tasks.
Normally, a small group will plan the content for a period.
The goal is to do activities with physical, professional and social elements.
A teacher will be supervisor.
The networks eat together and afterwards you will meet in one of the students rooms.
At the meeting we talk about life at the school, the classes, we evaluate, and we learn to know the others in the network.
The purpose is to get a network in which you feel comfortable and safe.
Study subject
You can choose among subjects as:
Cooking, Outdoor life, Communication, Guitar for beginners and much more.
You only have one subject at the time, but you have to choose two or three times during your stay.
You will not be able to choose from all the subjects every time.
The purpose is to concentrate on different topics together with others.
You will get knowledge and skills, and you will do other things than sport.
When you start at the school you will get an presentation of all the study subjects.
We sing from the “DGI Songbook” – a Danish songbook, but there are English songs too.
Here the we just sing with our own voice.
Each class has a theme (for example: spring, love, morning, freedom …) and you will hear a little bit about the background of the songs – small stories about the song itself and their writers / composers.
Once during your stay at Viborg IH, you will also need to find a song and tell a little anecdote.
It can be a song that has a very special meaning to you – for example a song you always sang in your childhood, or your family always sings, or maybe one you just really like because of the beautiful text or melody.
We will come through many genres ranging from classical to pop over rhythmic choir, etc.
The lectures have horizontal-expanding topics.
For example, it may be current issues, travel descriptions or a look back in historical context.
In lecture there will also be discussions in both plenary and smaller groups.
The lectures are held by external and internal lecturers and some students.
Perspectives of life
Many things in our society and in life in general are worth a good discussion.
That is why we look at “Perspectives of life”.
In the class “Perspectives of life” it is your values, opinions and attitudes that make a difference.
We make you look into your own life, what you have experienced, and what your dreams are.